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On September 1, 2001, a new law prohibiting racial profiling went into effect in Texas. Article 3.05 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure defines racial profiling as “a law enforcement-initiated action based on information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity.”
The NIA DPS and Texas law, strictly prohibits officers from engaging in racial profiling. Each of our officers has received training concerning the racial profiling law and is provided with a copy of our departmental policy pertaining to racial profiling.
Complaints alleging racial profiling with respect to an individual may be filed with the Newman International Academy Administration, Attention: Superintendent. A complaint should be submitted in writing and in a timely manner after the incident so that the incident can receive prompt attention. Once the complaint is received, the Superintendent will initiate an investigation into the matter.
When a citizen lodges a complaint against a member of the NIA DPS, the complaint must be directed to the NIA DPS Chief of Police or to the NIA Superintendent if the complaint is against the NIA DPS Chief of Police. Under Texas Law the complaint must be in writing and sign by the person making the complaint. The investigator will meet with the complainant to swear to and sign their complaint. The district’s duty is to review and thoroughly investigate the complaint. If a verbal complaint is made officers must inform the complaint to make their complainant to make their complaint in writing. Complaints that are not properly submitted will not be formally investigated.
No officer shall retaliate or harass a person who makes a complaint, even if the complaint is baseless.