Workforce in Training at Newman
(WIN) Program
Dear students, parents and prospective families:
Newman welcomes you and your family to Newman International Academy. It is our mission to provide an environment where you can grow and excel academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. At Newman we are concerned about the whole person, thus we aim to raise strong Warriors of wisdom, stature and favor.
In order to raise successful students and prepare our students for life after high school, we have created the WIN Program (Workforce In Training at Newman). At Newman we require our students to complete a number of volunteer service hours and unpaid internship hours per academic year, in order to meet graduation requirements as part of our WIN Program. Through WIN, our students will learn skills they will utilize after high school in their future careers, be equipped for the workforce, and learn to serve their school, community and city. This additional program gives them a competitive edge over others, in the area of college, career and/or military readiness (CCMR).
First, WIN will allow students the opportunity for unpaid and/or paid, work-based training, as part of their internship experience. The skills and expertise gained from this experience will be valuable to their future success in their career of interest. Opportunities are provided on campus and in the community for work-based training, to provide career readiness.
In addition, WIN will help to foster a servant’s heart, as students perform service in their Newman campuses and communities as part of their volunteer experience. Many opportunities have been provided for service on their individual campuses, as well as in their community at large.
With the help of our Newman faculty, staff, and parents/families, our students will be better prepared for their future to excel academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Newman Teachers, Principals, CCMR Coordinator, campus WIN coordinators and I, will be here to help guide both students and parents, to assist in creating the best opportunities for Newman students to serve and work. The WIN forms available on our website and from our counselors will have all the information you need for a successful WIN experience.
Thank you for your role in making WIN a success and in raising the next generation of WARRIORS.